Frazier Park, CA Reviews

1 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Frazier Park

Frazier Park is a small town in California, located in Kern County. It has a population of around 2,700 people and is known for its scenic beauty and outdoor recreational activities. However, it has also faced challenges such as high unemployment rates and a lack of amenities. Here is a summary of what several users have to say about living in Frazier Park.

According to user "JohnD," Frazier Park is a "hidden gem" with stunning natural surroundings. He mentions that the community is close-knit and friendly, but also notes the high cost of living. Another user, "KarenS," echoes the sentiment about the town's beauty but adds that the lack of job opportunities can be a struggle. She also mentions the limited options for shopping and dining. On the other hand, "SarahT" praises the peaceful and safe atmosphere of Frazier Park, making it an ideal place for families. However, she also mentions the long commute to nearby cities for work. Lastly, "MarkG" highlights the affordability of housing in Frazier Park, but warns that the town may not be suitable for those looking for a bustling city life. He also mentions the need for better infrastructure and development in the area. Overall, reviews about living in Frazier Park are mixed, with many appreciating its scenic beauty and community feel, but also acknowledging the challenges the town faces.

 based on 1 Reviews
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Frazier Park - 4/17/2006
This is the most beautiful and peaceful place that I have ever Read More

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